Congratulations to March’s Shop Steward of the Month, Cindy Lankin. Cindy has been a member of LiUNA local 1089 for 21 years. She is currently working for Eastern Power.
Your hard work and commitment to your Brothers and Sisters of Local 1089 is recognized and appreciated!
Decembers Shop Steward of the Month is Darryl Chamberlain.
Darryl is currently working in the utility sector on fiber to home projects while keeping our members safety, rights and jurisdiction top priority!
Thank you Darryl for all your hard work and commitment to your Brothers and Sisters of Local 1089!
Congratulations Ron Druer, November's Shop Steward of the Month! Ron works for Aecon in the pipeline distribution sector and has been a voice for his coworkers, advocating for their rights and safety in the workplace.
Congrats Ron, thank you for being such a proud representative of Local 1089!
LiUNA Local 1089 is proud to recognize two exceptional shop stewards for the month October! Both are working for Banister Pipeline, and their commitment to representing our members is commendable.
We'd like to acknowledge Tim Cope, who had been doing an outstanding job on the Banister Mainline Project. His hard work and dedication ensure the smooth operation of the site and the well being of our Brothers and Sisters.
LiUNA Local 1089 is proud to recognize two exceptional shop stewards for the month October! Both are working for Banister Pipeline, and their commitment to representing our members is commendable.
We recognize Shane Benoit, who has been a key figure at Banister Dawn Station. Shane's effort in representing our union members is truly appreciated.
A big Congrats to Alonzo Thomason, September’s Shop Steward of the Month! He’s currently working for VIP Rail ULC. Since becoming shop steward, Alonzo has consistently represented and defended the interests of his VIP Rail coworkers and fellow Local 1089 members.
Alonzo, we are proud of you and your dedication to your brothers and sisters in the field. It hasn’t gone unnoticed! Thanks Brother!
Shop Steward of the month is Josh Moyer. Josh has been working with Delsan Demolition Limited at IOL, overseeing the safe demolition and dismantling of various structures including a 300 foot process stack.
Josh has represented Local 1089 and the members fairly and honestly, while maintaining good communication and working relationship with the contractor.
Congratulations Josh and thank you from the entire Local 1089 Staff, Membership and Executive Board!
May's Shop Steward is John McLachlan!
John is currently Shop Steward for Eastern Power at the Hydrogen Ready Power Plant,
John has been a Local 1089 member for 14 years!
Congratulations John and Thank you for your continuous support with LiUNA Local 1089!
Richard Cobb is February’s Shop Steward of the Month. He’s currently working for Clean Harbors Chemical Cleaning Division. Since becoming shop steward, Richard has consistently represented and defended the interests of his Clean Harbors coworkers and fellow Local 1089 members.
Richard, your dedication to your brothers and sisters in the field and to the membership hasn’t gone unnoticed! Thanks Rich!
Shane Benoit is January’s Shop Steward of the Month. Shane is working for Banister at the Enbridge Dawn Station.
Shane has been a member for 9 years and has always represented the best interests of members at LiUNA Local 1089. Keep up the great work!
We are proud to share December's Shop Steward of the Month is brother Ed Figueiredo. Ed works for Curran at Imperial Oil. He has been a loyal and dedicated member for 33 years. Ed has always gone above and beyond in representing the members of Local 1089.
Ed has been reporting to work lately with a big smile on his face as he’s a hardcore Detroit Lions fan. Congratulations and keep being awesome!
Big congrats to brother Scott Nicholson for being November’s Shop Steward of the Month! Scott works in the service sector for Best Services at Lambton College. He has been a long time member and has always been a dedicated to LiUNA Local 1089.
Thanks for always looking out for your brothers and sisters’ best interests on the job site! Congratulations and keep up the great work!
Congratulations to Brother Tim Cope who is our Shop Steward of the month of October. He’s working for Banister under the Mainline Pipeline Agreement. Tim is a 35-year member and is always going above and beyond to represent the members of Local 1089.
Tim has received lots of nominations from his co-workers for the shop steward award on this project. Great job Tim!